Driving may just be an ordinary part of a lot of people’s daily lives, but what others may fail to recognize is what a potentially hazardous and dangerous activity it can be—one that can cause major injuries, or even take away life. When you are on the road, there are so many possible threats to your safety and the condition of your vehicle, such as other drivers cruising along the traffic, pedestrians, and objects on the road, among other things. That is why it is important to always practice defensive driving through our traffic safety training in San Juan Capistrano CA. When you are using a vehicle of any kind out on the streets, remember IPDE.
IPDE is the step-by-step process behind the principles of defensive driving. It is an organized way of thinking and acting that is extremely important in the complexities of visual perception when it comes to driving. Let us understand the process better:
- I – Identify
This is the foundation of the IPDE process or method of driving. To IDENTIFY in IPDE means scanning your surroundings when driving, and distinguishing which visual information is useful to driving, and which should be discarded in order to prevent yourself from being distracted. As an online traffic school, we say that to successfully IDENTIFY would require practice in quickly but efficiently scanning the environment for potential hazards, such as an oncoming vehicle, a pedestrian too close to the roadway, etc. - P – Predict
The second step in the IPDE process is to PREDICT what might happen should you encounter a potential hazard in the course of your driving. You have to be able to PREDICT the possible outcomes of a given situation on the road and what the consequences or outcome will be in any of the possible scenarios. For example, if there is an oncoming vehicle on your lane, simply predict whether the vehicle will continue toward you or swerve back to its lane. - D – Decide
After quickly predicting what might happen in a given situation, it is then time to DECIDE on what the best course of driver action to take is—whether you will have to accelerate, steer, decelerate, of a combination of these vehicle control maneuvers—in order to avoid and prevent a potential hazard, and remove the risk of putting yourself and other people in danger. - E – Execute
Lastly, after knowing the repercussion of each driving course of action to take and deciding on the best thing to do, you should be able to properly execute the needed action in the appropriate time it takes for you to avoid harming yourself and others, and prevent damaging your vehicle.
AODD’s Online Traffic School provides quality that will help you practice defensive driving and teach you the rules of the road. We are a safe driving school in CA and you can trust us to give you the tools and guidelines you need to drive safely and efficiently along the road.
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