Any volume of alcohol in your bloodstream can influence your driving ability. Our Traffic Safety Training in San Juan Capistrano CA believes that safe driving requires the capability to concentrate, make rational judgments, and react quickly to situations. However, if you are under the influence of alcohol, you are putting yourself and other drivers in peril because the contents in your drink can alter your senses and way of thinking.
Many accidents have happened because of drunk driving. Driving behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcohol is a grave crime, which is why driving while drunk or intoxicated has strict penalties including:
- Fines and fees
- Suspension of driver’s license
- Installation of ignition interlock device
- Jail time
Let us suppose that you and your co-workers want to have a Friday night party after a grueling time at work. Because you have the vehicle, you become the person who takes them to the party and possibly brings them home afterward. Usually, Friday night parties involve alcohol drinking. As much as you want to join your colleagues in their drinking session, you choose not to drink a single drop. Is that a good decision? The answer is yes. Since you have agreed to drive your wheels to take your friends home after your Friday night party, you need to make sure to practice safe driving.
Let us say that you have chosen to drink during your Friday night party knowing that you need to drive your co-workers and yourself home afterward. You understand the consequences of your drinking alcohol. How will you handle the situation after the party? Will you still drive your co-workers home? Will you even drive at all? The answer is no. Here are a few ways alcohol impairs your driving skills:
- Poor concentration and judgments
- Slow reaction time
- Blurriness in vision
- Aggression
When you are already under the influence of alcohol, our Safe Driving School in CA advises to do the following:
- Apologize to your co-workers and have them take a cab home
- Call someone else to drive your wheels and take you home
- If you cannot summon someone to drive your vehicle for your, take a cab home
Your co-workers may either get upset or understand the situation. They must not influence your decision no matter how they react. It is better to get apprehended than to put everyone’s life, including yours, at risk.
AODD’s Online Traffic School strives to help people learn the safety of driving to avoid street accidents. If you like this blog or find it helpful, please tell us what you think by leaving comments in the comment section below. If you know people who still drive when they are under the influence of alcohol, please share this blog with them.
Learn more about our Online Traffic School and how it can benefit you. Please give us a call today at 949-240-0115.
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