Quality Online Traffic Training in Capistrano, CA

The Dangers of Distracted Driving
You are on your way home from work when your phone rings. The split second that goes by when you take your eyes off of the road to answer your phone is all it takes to find yourself upside down on the other side of the street because you went off...
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Is Driving Faster Actually Safer?
The speed limit is an ongoing debate. Is it safer to drive faster or is it safer to drive slower? The answer may surprise you but it is actually safer to drive at a higher rate of speed. With cars constantly advancing with more horsepower...
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Safe Driving Techniques That Everyone Should Know
Driving is exciting. It provides us with the freedom to go where we want, when we want. This is something that few things can offer but while on the road, it is important to remember some important safe driving techniques. Even though...
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Driving in the Snow: Safety Tips
One of the most dangerous driving situations we encounter is driving in the snow. Not only does snow reduce visibility to almost nothing but it can also make it difficult for your vehicle to maintain traction. Here are some great tips to...
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What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down
You are cruising down the highway when suddenly you have no more throttle response and your car is dying out. This can be a scary experience when you are far from home and your vehicle breaks down. However, it is important not to panic and to...
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4 Common Traffic Violations You Need to Know
So, you must be a new driver or an aspiring driver who is curious about the top traffic laws or rules you might possibly violate if you aren’t careful enough. Here are four common traffic violations and some tips on how to avoid...
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