Quality Online Traffic Training in Capistrano, CA

Are You Guilty of These Bad Driving Habits?
You've been driving for years on end. But the question is, are you driving safely? AODD's Online Traffic School has listed down a couple of bad driving habits you might not know you have: Parking in restricted areas Leaving your car parked...
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Why You Should Enroll in Driving School
Driving is something we do every day – we drive to school, to work, and many other places. Because a good part of our lives is spent behind the wheel, we need to drive responsibly and be aware of the traffic rules. This not only keeps us safe,...
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Road Safety: 4 Basic Concepts of Defensive Driving
Defensive driving is typically used to describe individuals who strive for safety when on the road. It is a concept that has been around for many years and has helped numerous people become safer, proactive drivers. Defensive driving...
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Remember These Tips to Avoid Road Rage
Imagine that you are running late for an important appointment – and you suddenly hit a traffic jam. Or maybe someone suddenly cuts you off. How do you respond? At times, driving can be stressful. However, getting angry when behind the wheel...
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4 Reasons Why You Should Attend Driving School
Lately, have you been thinking whether or not it’s worth it to enroll in a driving school? The short answer? Yes. Yes, you should definitely enroll in a driving school even if it costs money. Consider how much more you will spend if...
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Distracted Driving: 3 Smart Ways You Can Avoid It
Driving seems like a simple enough task. However, in reality, you actually need all of your senses to execute it. You have to keep your eyes focused, your ears sharp, and your body alert for whatever you may encounter on the road. With that...
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